(Samaj Weekly)- Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar’s last words were that if you cannot improve on what I have done, then please do not let it go down. I have put a lot of effort in preparing of the Indian Constitution to bring stability and equality in India. Unfortunately, his given Constitution is now under threat.
The present Government wants to replace it with Manusmirity. For this, the ruling Government and the authorities have joined forces. Hatred against deprived is on increase and response to their protection is virtually none.
The Indian Constitution is giving protection to all. It is a known fact that the Manusimirity in the past has promoted hatred and will do same if reinstated. When India gained Independence it was felt that a New Constitution is needed that would stabilise India and promote equality. A drafting committee was set under chairmanship of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar. Manusmirity’s return is going to give freedom to likes of the Gurus those are presently behind the bars.
The Dalits have been victimised since Aryan arrival. The Manusimirity was the cause to the Caste System in India and was finally outlawed in the new Constitution. But some have held onto it and are now in power. They have majority in the Parliament and are able to pass the laws those will end the Dalit progress.
Even former President of America Honourable Barack Hussein Obama in his speech has praised democracy in India and has appreciated the Indian Constitution that has uplifted the Dalits from rags to riches. Now Dalit Business men are not just in India but are present all around the world. He salutes to Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar and respects him as a symbol of knowledge.
It does not stop here, his praise has now fruited. In New York a 40 ft high statue of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar has been erected and the road it is on is named Dr. Ambedkar way. All over the world Dr Ambedkar’s statues are being erected but in India they are being destroyed. The whole world is eagerly watching the developments in India.
The idea behind introduction of the Manusimirity is to give back control in the hands of the religious organisations. The Manu’s code permits them to do whatever it needs to downgrade the natives. People with such mentality are behind bars because the Indian Constitution does not tolerate such behaviour but the Manusimirity is openly going to permit them.
They look down upon others because the Manu’s code declares them superior to the rest by birth. This was ongoing during the British Raj and finally through introduction of the Indian Constitution was stopped but still many are living under this illusion.
Inter-caste marriages are happening because the Indian Constitution allows them. Dr Ambedkar himself has set the example. The hatred is disappearing through inter-caste marriages but to some it is not acceptable and they are the ones who are endeavouring hard to bring back Manusmiriti to stop these marriages taking place.
The incidents against the Dalit in India, since 2014 have massively increased but the prosecutions have dwindled down. The offenders without any fear are walking free.
Dr Ambedkar is a well known Dalit leader who has through his drafted Constitution uplifted the down trodden people who had faced molestation and victimisation since many centuries. Not just the Dalits, he has given consideration to uplifting of all in India. He has given special thought towards uplifting of the both gender and this in return has given opportunity to the women to progress.
If Manusmirity takes over then all this is going to change because it does not support women progress. According to it the women should be doing house core duties. The Lawyers, the Business women, the Actresses plus the other women professionals will lose the prestige and the respect they are enjoying now.
This must not be forgotten that in time of need Punjab stood with Dr Ambedkar. Two Dalits, a Valmikian Chunni Lal Thapper and a Ravidassian Babu Ram Mangu both sat on death fast in oppose to Gandhi Ji’s death fasting.
The other saying is that the Valmikians with their blood wrote a letter in support of Dr Ambedkar during the Round Table Conference. This was done because Pandit Bakshi Ram, the Valmikian Leader was a close associate of Baba Sahib Dr Ambedkar.
At that time Pandit Bakshi Ram was known as Ambedkar of Punjab. He was a very well respected figure in Punjab. He and Babu Mangu Ram both have worked together during the Adhi Dhram Movement so this new saying that Bhagwan Valmiki is a Hindu Brahmin is totally groundless.
Pandit Bakshi Ram firmly stood and fought for the Valmikians. He put their issues to the Government and raised protests because the ruling Government failed to show of any interest. So to quieten him and to stop his movement, he was kept behind the bars.
Out of ninety rears of life he had spend forty years in the prison. He had leadership qualities and to stop him the only option the ruling Government had was to keep him locked in the cell. Even from the prison, he somehow managed to run his movement. This idea of the letter written with blood came from him.
It is quite likely that seeing The Valmikian Movement in Punjab, Mahatma Gandhi Ji picked the Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir in Delhi to show of his solidarity for the Dalits because Dr Ambedkar was fighting for the Dalit issues.
Again this proves that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was an Adhi Vasi and not a Hindu Brahmin as being put forward. Mahatma Gandhi sheltered in the Valmiki Mandir – Delhi because to him Bhagwan Valmiki was the God of the Dalits. Also Guru Ravi Dass Ji in his Baani has graced Bhagwan Valmiki as an Adhi Vasi and not a Hindu Brahmin.
Bhagwan Valmiki was an Adhi Vasi and will always be graced as an Adhi Vasi. Some want to side line Bhagwan Valmiki Ji but that is not going to happen because Pandit Bakshi Ram’s research is available that justifies Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s origin.
All over the world so much literature is available that very clearly states of the Aryan arrival in India but now the Aryans are trying to reinvent theory of the yugas again to establish them as the natives of India. Will they pass the DNA test to verify their statement? I do not think so.
Today the world is reaching stars and here in India we are still slitting throats of each other just to prove that one is better than the other by birth. We are all surviving through commodities of God and they are same for everyone so how can one claim to be better than the other when we all arrive the same way. This false belief is the cause to caste system through which millions of Indians worldwide are suffering.
When Dr. Ambedkar was drafting the Indian Constitution his main concern was to stabilise humanity in India but now it seems this government is pressing on to destroy it. I firmly believe this to be the reason in increase of offences against the Dalits. We can survive only by sticking together so UNITY SHOULD BE OUR MOTTO.
Dr. Ambedkar has drafted the Indian Constitution in such a way that it is benefiting all regardless of caste, culture and creed. So, we must UNITE and protect it. If we fail, then our rights and entitlements authorised by the Indian Constitution are at stake.
Jai Bheem – Jai Bharat.
-Mitej Teji
Bedford (U.K.)