Chandigarh, (Samajweekly) Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Thursday launched a nutritional drink ‘Verka haldi’ or turmeric milk, produced by Milkfed to boost people’s immunity amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Describing it as an appropriate time to launch this versatile product, packed with the rich medicinal properties of turmeric (haldi) as an immunity booster and a natural healer, the Chief Minister hoped the milk would soon emerge as a popular drink among consumers, who were now looking for alternate ways to stay healthy and boost their immunity in the fight against coronavirus.
On the occasion, Cooperation Minister Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa said the Verka milk had been prepared by using a unique ‘haldi’ formulation, that had been developed and patented by Department of Biotechnology of Punjabi University in Patiala.
It offers 10 times higher absorption for the human body than normal ‘haldi’, he said.
Verka Haldi Dudh has been launched, as part of Mission Fateh, at a price of Rs 25 for 200 ml which is within the reach of all sections of society and will be beneficial for health of young and old alike.
The product will be available at all major retail outlets and Verka booths, said Randhawa.