M. Teji

(Samajweekly) Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and the Valmikian Community are now receiving a lot of attention.  The Katha Vaajik (preachers) plus also some other organisations are trying to prove that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s origin as a Brahmin and are putting their ideas across as to how the name Banghi has come around.  This is all being done to convince the Valmikians to denounce Bhagwan Valmiki Ji.

This practise against Bhagwan Valmiki Ji has been ongoing since India’s Independence but has failed because the Valmikians cannot forget the sufferings they have endured and are still enduring. The Governments have come and gone but all have failed to give any attention. The Aryans, the Muslims and even the British during their reign in India have failed to listen to Valmikian cries. The pain caused through hatred is buried within them and is doubtful they are going to change to oblige.

Untouchability in India was introduced to downgrade the Valmikians from rulers to mere slaves.  The Aryans during their regime hid their identity so when the Muslims took over, they persuaded them that these people (Valmikians) must not know about their God Valmiki.

Now, Bala shah name was given to Valmiki Ji by the Muslims and small praying areas out of the villages were made.  Here, the Valmikians went and lit chiraags (meaning deepaks) in grace to their God.  Green flags were posted here to signal that Bala Shah was a Muslim peer.

This practise was ongoing even in the British Raj in India and it only stopped when a Muslim preacher in Punjab told the followers that the name Bala Shah has been given to your God Valmiki Ji who has written Ramayana.  His name has been purposely hidden from you to hide your identity.

This information started the Valmikians in Punjab to research into their past.  Pandit Bakshi

Ram Ji came up front and following his long and hard research the Valmikian Ithihas is now present.

For this, he studied 175 religious scriptures and many years ago he declared that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was the tenth son of King Parchetta Ji and his mother was Queen Charashini Ji.  He has also stated that King Parchetta Ji in the scriptures is also mentioned as Verun Devta.

As per Pandit Bakshi Ram’s research is, that the name Ratnakar was given to the prince on his birth because their Kingdom was known as Ratnaa Puri.   Their palace was situated in the area where Multan City in Pakistan is present today.  Guru Viskarma Ji’ has also tended his services in this palace.

Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji totally refuted that Valmiki Ji was a dacoit.  He said there are two sides to a coin but only Aryan side has been exposed.  Until the native side is uncovered the truth will remain buried.  The scriptures have been altered to hide the facts.   This allegation of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji being a dacoit is totally absurd.

My father, late Shree Hazara Ram Teji was a very close associate of Pandit Bakshi Ram.  He respected him for the wisdom and knowledge he had.

He took advice from him because the higher castes in East Africa were discreetly spreading hatred against Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and the Valmikian community. To face this, in 1940 Balmeek Bharat Mandal in Nairobi – Kenya was formed.  It stood in to protect dignity and pride of Bhagwan Valmiki and the Valmikian community.

In that period, the story to insult Valmiki Ji was that a group of seven pandits were passing through the forest when suddenly a dacoit approached them but no name for him was listed.

Then the story was changed that it was Saint Narad who was stopped by the dacoit and name Ratnakar was given to him.  This change has happened because Pandit Bakshi Ram following his research had declared that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was a prince and not a dacoit.

The rest of the story for Narad Ji and the seven Brahmins is same that they both have given the Mantra of MRA – MRA for meditation.  During reciting, the words changed to RAM – RAM and through this meditation Ratnakar has become Valmiki.  How come those seven Brahmins have suddenly disappeared into thin air?  Were they not good enough to become Maharishis?

This change from seven Brahmins to Narad shows that the story has been fabricated.  Bhagwan Valmiki Ji in his Ramayana had honoured Shree Ram Chandra Ji as a king and not a God.  So to give status of God to Shree Ram Chandra, Tulsi Ramayana was introduced.

Late Chakravarti Rajagopalachari Ji who was Chief Minister of Madras, Governor of West Bengal, Home Minister of India and first Indian Governor General of India has also produced Ramayana.

In it he has pointed that in Valmiki’s Ramayana Shree Ram Chander Ji is portrayed as a great and unique man and not as an incarnation of God. To change him from man to avatar, Tulsi Ramayana was introduced and included this story of dacoit and mra-mra mantra.

Now Valmiki Ji has been accepted as the tenth son of Raja Parchetta. If Maharishi Valmiki is the tenth son of King Parchetta then who the other siblings are?  Are they all from Queen Chrashani?  How many wives did King Parchetta Ji have? To know the answers to these questions one will have to study research done by Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji.  By just picking words from the scriptures does not solidify the point.  One has to research deeper to understand what surrounds around it.

Pandit Bakshi Ram was not just an ordinary figure.  He represented Valmikian community and was quite close to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.  On 25th Republic Day Celebration he was included in the honour list by late honourable lady Mrs Indira Gandhi.

A lot of time since Independence has been wasted in convincing the Valmikians to denounce their belief, instead establishing of unity should have been the main issue.  Whilst this was going on, the other side was preparing to take over through introduction of the outlawed Manusmirity.

Now, it has reached to the point where only through Unity the Indian Constitution can be saved.   The beliefs of each other will have to be respected and this practise of persuading others to denounce their beliefs will have to stop. The belief depends on one’s own choice and it must not interfere in forming of unity.

The base to Unity will have to be humanity because through introduction of Manusmirity humanitarian grounds are going to be effected.  Endless suffering is on the cards. Only through a united front this can be stopped and now for this Bharat Yatra in India is in progress.

Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar has done all he could to pull India out of rut but now it seems that it is going back into it.  Without the Indian Constitution the future of India looks very bleak. All, regardless of caste, culture or creed should unite together and oppose to introduction of Manu simirity in India.

Bharat JO-DO is the new voice in India.  Only upon abolishing of the caste system, India can unite.

It is outlawed in the Constitution but is still in practise.  The caste system is the biggest setback for India.  Through caste practise rich are getting richer and poor getting poorer.  India needs equality.


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