76 Syrian soldiers “neutralized” in Idlib: Akar

Turkey's Defence Minister Hulusi Akar

Istanbul,  Turkey’s Defence Minister Hulusi Akar said a total of 76 Syrian soldiers “were neutralized” and 54 targets were hit by Turkish forces in Syria’s northern region of Idlib.

“We continue our efforts and take additional measures to ensure the continuity of the ceasefires and the security of the troops,” Akar was quoted as saying by a written statement published on the ministry’s website on Monday, Xinhua news agency reported.

Meanwhile, the death toll in the Syrian artillery shelling in Idlib climbed to eight, including five Turkish soldiers, press reports said.

The Syrian government forces, backed by Russia, have been carrying out airstrikes in Idlib, the last stronghold of rebels in the war-torn country.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that Turkey might consider launching a military operation if the bombardments in Idlib continue.

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