By: Surjit Singh Flora

(Samajweekly) The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed June 21 as International Yoga Day in December 2014, following a proposal by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi. On June 21, 2015, we celebrated the first International Yoga Day.
Where he stated:
Yoga is a treasured gift of India’s ancient culture. Rather than focusing on physical activity, the goal is to achieve a feeling of unity among oneself, the world, and the natural environment. When we make adjustments to our way of life and cultivate mindfulness, it may assist us in coping with the effects of climate change. We should make efforts to establish a day dedicated to yoga on a global scale.
He suggested designating the 21st of June as International Yoga Day. Specifically, he said that the day in question is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and that it has unique importance in a great number of regions around the globe.
Yoga is widely recognized for its effectiveness in enhancing mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, along with its capacity to enhance physical flexibility, strength, and balance.
As a means of fostering a healthy lifestyle, the day encourages individuals to incorporate yoga into their regular activities. Additionally, yoga is considered to be a method for bringing together the body, the mind, and the soul. As a result, both individuals and communities may experience a sense of harmony and tranquility. Celebrating Yoga Day not only celebrates the cultural history of the ancient discipline and its roots in India, but it also acknowledges the widespread attraction and acceptance of yoga across the world.
One of the most important factors in the revitalization and dissemination of yoga, an age-old practice that is deeply ingrained in Indian culture, has been International Yoga Day, which has been observed annually since 2015. Despite thousands of years of yoga practice in India, the worldwide recognition of International Yoga Day has recently led to even greater popularity of the practice both locally and globally.
The observance of International Yoga Day has inspired a significant number of individuals worldwide to engage in yoga. It has resulted in an increase in interest among people of all ages in India, from young children to the elderly, who have now begun integrating yoga into their daily routines. The number of yoga practitioners has increased.
India has been a popular destination for travelers who are looking to experience real yoga practices and teachings, thanks to the fact that Prime Minister Modi has celebrated Yoga Day every year. The recognition of International Yoga Day has led to an increase in yoga-related tourism in India. This has been beneficial to local communities and businesses, as well as promoting India as a center for those interested in yoga.
By highlighting yoga as an essential component of Indian customs, Yoga Day has also contributed to the strengthening of the cultural identity of Indian society. The day has created a feeling of national pride in Indians as they can see individuals from a wide range of countries and backgrounds enjoying and practicing yoga, appreciating the fact that yoga originated in India.
It is true! In addition to being a kind of physical exercise, yoga offers a multitude of health advantages, such as the alleviation of stress, the enhancement of mental well-being, and the enhancement of flexibility and strength. This has led to a larger focus on total wellbeing in Indian culture, which is a direct result of International Yoga Day’s efforts to increase awareness about the excellent influence that yoga has on both physical and mental health.
Yoga has received substantial institutional recognition in India and throughout the world as a result of the commemoration of International Yoga Day. Numerous educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and government programs now incorporate it, emphasizing its crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It has received recognition as a valid treatment, despite its lack of widespread acceptance.
In general, as a result of promoting and revitalizing the ancient practice of yoga, raising awareness of the benefits of yoga, and bolstering India’s cultural identity, International Yoga Day has had a significant influence on the culture and traditions of India.
The Sanskrit root “Yuj,” which can mean “to connect,” “to yoke,” or “to combine among one another,” is the origin of the term “Yoga.” The Vedas, the Upanishads, the writings of Buddhism and Jainism, the Darshan Shastra, the Mahabharata, and the epic Ramayana all include descriptions of yoga. According to yoga, Lord Shiva is the first Yogi or Guru. In his book Yoga Sutra, Maharishi Patanjali outlined the Ashtanga practices, which are the eight limbs of yoga. Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, perception, consciousness, and samadhi are the eight limbs that make up yoga. In addition to being a physical practice, yoga is also a body of knowledge that teaches us how to live a life that is calm, joyful, and healthy.
The phrase “Yoga for Women Empowerment” will serve as the theme for International Yoga Day in 2024. This product would not be complete without the participation of women. According to a study compiled by the Secretary General of the United Nations, women make up half of the human resource pool, making them the second most valuable human resource after males with immense potential. Women play a variety of roles in the family, including those of wife, leader, administrator, controller of family income, and ultimately, mother. Mother is the most important person in the home because she is responsible for dedicating her time, energy, and thoughts to the well-being of all family members. Given this, it is of utmost significance for a woman to maintain her physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Because of their hectic schedules and unhealthy eating habits, women are more likely to get a variety of ailments. Problems with PCOS and infertility affect around one in every four women in today’s society. There is an obesity rate of around 23 percent among the urban Indian female population, as reported by the National Center for Biotechnology.
During the many stages of life, including adolescence, childbirth, menopause, and old age, yoga helps women maintain their physical and mental health well. Regularly practicing a variety of asanas, such as Gomukhasana Asana and Chakra Asana, Surya Namaskar, Vashishta Asana, Bhujangasana Set Bandha Asana, and Pranayama, such as Bhastrika, Anulom Villoma, Bhramari, and Kapal Bhati Pranayama, can help bring the body and mind into a state of equilibrium. By practicing these asanas regularly, one can avoid numerous illnesses.
The Ministry of AYUSH, part of the Government of India, organizes activities commemorating International Yoga Day across the nation. Those who work for the state government or other government institutions are eligible to participate in approved programs. Television and radio broadcast special programs and seminars on yoga to raise awareness among the general public about its health benefits. These programs include interviews with yoga master’s and live yoga sessions.
It is imperative that each and every one of us participate even more in the International Day of Yoga. Not only should women be mindful of their health this year, but all inhabitants of the country should be aware of their health as well. On June 21st, which is International Yoga Day, let us make a commitment to make yoga our daily companion and assist in the development of a flourishing nation.