What’s the difference between a good touch and a bad touch?

Surjit Singh Flora

Surjit Singh Flora

(Samajweekly) It is important to respect a child’s right to have control over their own body, including who they choose to hug or be touched by. It is important to respect children’s boundaries and their right to refuse physical contact. No adult should ever force a child to hug or allow any form of touch against their will, whether it’s a touch on the head, shoulder, or any other part of their body.

The sensation of a gentle touch can evoke a sense of warmth and affection, reminiscent of a comforting pat or a warm embrace. On the other hand, an inappropriate touch can cause physical or emotional harm, such as pinching, hitting, or touching sensitive areas. It’s important to teach children that they have the right to refuse any kind of physical contact, even if it’s from someone they know and trust.

Educating youngsters about the need of personal safety is becoming more important in today’s culture, which is seeing a fast shift in traditional values. Regrettably, the growth in worries over the safety of children affects not only those whom they trust, such as members of their family or close friends, but also others they do not know.

What this means is that it is necessary to teach youngsters about the distinction between safe contact and harmful touch, regardless of the person who is doing the touching. The obligation to make a public announcement without delay and not conceal the information in order to protect the prey.
Providing a youngster with a safe touch may help them feel more at ease, secure, and cared for. They may take the shape of embraces from parents and other members of the immediate family, a pat on the back as a gesture of encouragement or support, or holding hands while strolling with a trusted guardian, to name just a few examples.

Unsafe contact, on the other hand, might cause a kid to experience feelings of unease, fear, or confusion. Because a child’s body is their own, and they have the right to defend it, regardless of who is approaching them, it is essential for children to be aware of this fact. Educate children on the need of protecting their private areas, and ensure that any physical forms of love are reserved for certain persons and only done with the child’s permission. It is imperative that each and every touch that is either done in secret or with the intention of causing injury be halted immediately.
The most effective method for preventing hazardous contact is via education beginning in early infancy. Children have access to a great deal of information, some of which may be deceptive, thanks to the internet and their social circles. When it comes to teaching it, the finest person to do so is a parent or guardian who has the child’s happiness in mind. To begin, it is important to educate children about personal safe spaces, personal boundaries, the significance of permission, and who they should report to in the case of an unexpected incident.

Explaining that some portions of their body are private and should not be handled by other people should be done in language that is easy to grasp, taking into account their age and the degree of comprehension they possess. Let’s talk about the repercussions that will occur in the case that their bodies are violated. Make it clear to them what their immediate response should be in order to get assistance. It is also important for educational institutions to have conversations on this topic in order to establish a consistent rhythm. It is important for families and schools to make it a regular practice to have talks about safe and hazardous contact in order to ensure that youngsters comprehend the significance of the topic.

What is important for children to understand is that it is OK for them to refuse any contact that causes them discomfort, even if it comes from a member of their own family or a close friend. Drive home the point that their comfort and sentiments are essential and worthy of consideration. You should reassure them that there will be no adverse effects if they say no, and that this does not just mean that they will not participate.

When teaching the distinction between healthy and unhealthy secrets, use language that is suitable for the child’s age. An illustration of this would be the fact that it is OK to keep a secret about a surprise party since it would make people happy and will be revealed at the appropriate moment. Inappropriate contact is not acceptable, and if they try to conceal it from their parents or other caregivers, it will work against them, and the prey will engage in the behavior with another individual.

It is imperative that they take fast action in the event that a hazardous contact occurs. It is important to urge them to make a loud “No” statement, to step away from the individual, and to seek assistance from a reliable adult such as a teacher or a parent. It is imperative that they prioritize safety and reveal all of the information on the terrible occurrence.

The use of role-playing scenarios to learn how to react in circumstances when someone violates their boundaries may be helpful in assisting youngsters in better understanding the process themselves. It is possible that this will make them feel more secure in their ability to assert themselves.

You should carefully listen to a kid who comes to you with worries about improper contact, and you should reassure them that they did the right thing by telling you about their concerns. In the absence of any type of judgment, validate their sentiments and provide them comfort.
Provide them with information on the action you want to take and describe the measures you will take to protect their safety. Contact the appropriate authorities and look for assistance from a specialist. This reaffirms that the preservation of their safety is your first concern.

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