Chennai, (Samajweekly) Ruling AIADMK’s Coordinator and Deputy Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam on Monday tweeted that all his decisions were in the interest of the people of Tamil Nadu and the party cadres and it would continue to be so.
The tweet comes at a time when the AIADMK is expected to announce its Chief Ministerial candidate for the 2021 assembly polls on October 7.
A power struggle is on in AIADMK between Panneerselvam and Joint Coordinator and Chief Minister K. Palaniswami and attempts are being made to come out with an amicable solution.
In a tweet Panneerselvam said till now all his decisions were taken for the welfare of the people of Tamil Nadu and that of the party cadres.
“It will continue to be so,” Panneerselvam said.
Quoting Bhagavad Gita he added: “Whatever had happened had happened very well. Whatever is happening is also happening very well. Whatever has to happen will happen very well.”
With his tweet Panneerselvam seems to be referring to his revolt against the then General Secretary V.K. Sasikala by breaking away and securing the party from the hands of her family.
His insistence on setting up a steering committee for guiding the party is also for the good of the party, Panneerselvam seems to be stressing.
And he talks in riddles as to whatever has to happen will happen well.
At the recent meeting of the Executive Committee of the party, the issue of announcing the Chief Ministerial candidate for the 2021 assembly elections was raised.
There were heated exchanges between the supporters of Panneerselvam and Palaniswami.
Panneerselvam’s demand is to set up a steering committee to guide the party as per earlier agreement.
All these years Palaniswami was not agreeable for the steering committee and Panneerselvam remained silent.
After the party’s Executive Committee meeting, Deputy Coordinator K.P. Munusamy told reporters that the party’s Chief Ministerial candidate will be announced on October 7 by Panneerselvam and Palaniswami.
“There will not be any change in the current set up. The status quo will continue. The party will face the elections with Palaniswami heading the caretaker government while Panneerselvam stays party Coordinator,” the senior official, who did not want to be identified, had told IANS.
Political analyst Kolahala Srenivaas, wondering the reason for Panneerselvam raking up the steering committee issue, told IANS: “As per my information, a consensus is being reached on setting up a steering committee. Panneerselvam wants representation of all major castes in the committee.”