Chennai, (Samajweekly) The Tamil Nadu government on Wednesday began the formal process of acquiring the residence of late Chief Minister and AIADMK General Secretary J. Jayalalithaa located at the posh Poes Garden here.
The residence called ‘Veda Nilayalam’ will be convered into a memorial, as the AIADMK government had announced earlier.
The state government issued the notification under the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquistion, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.
According to the notification, the project does not involve displacement of families/relocation.
However, objecting to the acquisition of Veda Nilayam by the government, Jayayalalithaa’s niece J.Deepa had filed a case in the Madras High Court. The case is still pending.
The residents of the Poes Garden had also opposed the government’s move.