Mitej Teji

(Samaj Weekly)

When the Covid 19 started from Wuhan in China in the year 2019, the rest of the world was expecting that it will remain in that area and will eventually die. But, it started to spread all around the globe because it travelled with the passengers. Within days it had travelled to Italy in Europe.

It was declared Pandemic and the death toll was extremely heavy. The general feeling at that time was for all to unite and work as one unit to stop and conquer this new virus. Neither the scientists nor the medical institutions had any knowledge to it. The whole world was powerless and the death toll was increasing by the day.

Only option available was to implement world wide lock down. All the aviation came to stand still. The planes were parked. The sea and the road transportation were stopped. The people were ordered to remain in their houses to escape this deadly virus.
Unfortunately in India during the lock down millions of the migrant workers were forced to hit the roads because the Government had failed to take their welfare into account when declaring the complete Lock down in India. The main reason for them to be on the roads was starvation because the Government promised food but failed to supply.

They needed support and respect. It is only because of them that India has progressed to where it is today. Unfortunately, all the ruling Governments have taken advantage of them by paying extremely low wages to build India that is flourishing today. The ignorance to their welfare is also noticeable from this present Government because they have enforced lockdown without giving any thought towards them.

It was hoped that from this disaster humanity will prevail because the people were seeing millions dying all over the world. The caste, culture, creed or race was not the issue because it was an international problem that included all regardless of whatever status they had. The general suggestion at the time was to put ego and greed aside and work jointly to conquer corona virus.
But unfortunately, ego and greed have gained strength during the lock down. Large amount of money is being spent on the warfare arsenal in India and elsewhere even though the people in thousands are still dying through Covid 19. The number of positive in India has nearly reached 140,000 and is rising fast. The death toll is on increase but war mongering is not easing out.

The severity of the Covid 19 must not be overlooked and war mongering should stop. The world needs peace and not war. Priority to conquer Covid 19 should be the main concern and not promoting of war.

The medical staff upfront who are risking their lives to save others are desperately crying out to be supplied with the reliable and good quality PPE.

The latest revelation of Corona handling in Bihar in India has shocked the world. The doctors and the nurses are handling the patients with just ordinary masks and gloves. The situation in the hospitals is in a dire state. It seems that the Bihar Government has failed to give any serious attention because the positive cases in India were in very small numbers and assumed the danger to be quite low. Unfortunately, the numbers have now soared sky high and Bihar plus some other states have been caught right out.

It falls under the responsibility of all the Governments to safeguard the doctors and the nurses because there is already shortage of medical staff all around the world. It should be the Government’s priority to meet ever changing dilemma of the Covid 19 and stop promoting ideas those will lead to war.

The politicians need to evaluate the circumstances and act accordingly. Failing, replacing of the medical staff is going to become extremely difficult and will result in a very heavy death toll. Any idea to war should be put to rest because joint loss through Covid 19 and the war is going to be extremely pernicious.

It is a known fact that the politicians in the past have instigated wars to gain electoral victory. Mr. Kinnock was looking to a landslide victory in England but starting of the Falkland War turned victory in favour of Mrs. Thatcher. Is this war going to have similar grounds those may lead someone to victory?

Divided opinion is held by the Indians living in India and abroad towards Mr. Modi. The ones in favour of the Hindu Raj being established in India highly honour him but the ones who oppose this Idea see him quite differently. They see him as supportive of the RSS movement and also see him as the force behind introducing of the Manusmriti.

The congress Party keeps bringing this up that Mr. Modi is making opportunities to gain popularity. He is using high profile celebrities for his interviews and grabbing opportunities those earn him praise.

The migrant workers who have walked thousands of kilometres to their homes also hold ill feelings towards Mr. Modi. He has failed to show any decency to meet them but has made effort to go and raise moral of the soldiers. They feel that he has done this solely for his own popularity.

It seems that the BJP Government intentionally wants to lead India into war to show of the Indian Army’s strength under BJP reign. Their spokesmen/ladies always keep bringing the war of 1962 with China upfront because they firmly believe that by going into war with the available arsenal, they are bound to get credit.

The majority of the Indians in India and elsewhere are deeply concerned about what role the RSS will be playing upon completion of the Shri Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, India. Their presence has been worrying millions since Independence.

Jai Bharat
Mitej Teji

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