(Samaj Weekly)- Through propaganda, the main stream TV channels now known as Godi Media have been instigating so much fear within the citizens of India that they were scared to put across their disagreement held within them against the reigning Government until dawn of Bharat Jodo Yatra.

Those who did that became target to mob lynching, their property got demolished or damaged via bulldozers or silenced through encounters.

Therefore, the general public was living a scared life and was expecting for worse if the BJP won again in 2024. The public had lost confidence in nearly all the opposition parties because they had failed to unite in the 2019 elections. This gave BJP an easy victory and it also came to light that the EVM machines have aided their win. The main reason in their failure to unite was that all the party leaders had set their eyes on the PM position.

The next Lok Sabha election is in 2024 and the time is closing in. The spread of fear through the Godi Media and the BJP supporters is on increase. The BJP’s strategy is to intensify fear within the public and in return will assist their win. All the institutions are in the BJP’s grasp and the opposition parties are scattered so the win in 2024 looked in the BJP’s favour unless someone rose to match Mr. Modi’s image.

Tears and cries could be heard all around because the properties even those with the proper Government Documentation were being knocked down. The Courts were fulfilling, the Government demands and people’s welfare was totally being ignored.

The people were powerless and the authorities were ignoring their pleas. Hatred towards lower end of the society was at peak and molestation and lynching done on daily basis but the Government was showing of no interest.

Then suddenly, the Congress Party came forward with the idea of Bharat Jodo Yatra and declared that it will be a walking Yatra from Kaniya Kumari to Sri Nagar covering distance of 3800 kilo metres.
Rahul Gandhi JI offered to walk this distance and some TV stations fired back by saying that this was beyond his capability.

The Bharat Jodo Yatra took off in Kaniya Kumari and it’s popularity spread like wild fire. As it went along the crowd kept increasing beyond expectation. It has set records and those TV channels had to eat their own words.

During the Yatra, Rahul Gandhi Ji on daily basis, held Press conferences and answered questions raised by the press. Prior to their questions, he summarised the purpose and updated the progress of the Bharat Jodo Yatra. He very sensibly replied to their questions.

In the manner and with credibility he has responded to the raised questions, he has proved to the world that he possesses leadership qualities. He also very boldly makes statement that the BJP has spent millions to harm his image, but now all has been reversed.

The public has started to see the true side of Rahul Gandhi Ji and want him to be the next Prime Minister of India. Without any doubt he has got all the qualities to carry the torch lit by his predecessors. He is highly educated and has got the knowledge, wisdom and ability to put derailed Bharat back on it’s track. He wants to a maintain India as a cohesive and secular Bharat and not a segregated India.

He is a very courageous person who without any fear is pointing out that instead of Jai Shree Ram it should be Jai Sita Ram. This greeting has been ongoing since ancient times. He also states that under slogan of Jai Shree Ram inhuman practises are being carried out. Mob Lynching, torturing, rape plus hatred are on increase. Phrases those infuse hatred towards Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and Adhi Vasis are being openly promoted and the perpetrators are walking free.

The BJP’s focal point to win election in 2024 is the Ram Mandir in Ayodhia, but some more Mandirs are being put forward with assurance that they will be build in the coming years. Unfortunately, nothing is being said on the promises still pending since 2014.

By only supporting the selected Corporations, Mother India’s integrity is being damaged because those funds should be used to create employment, improve public interests and assist those living below poverty line.

It was the public that has put the BJP Government in power but they have been totally disregarded since takeover in 2014. In 2019, to gain their votes they were again misled that by the end of 2022 all the poor will have brick houses. The Hindenburg report and BBC Documentary have now made the public much wiser about the character of the reigning Government.

Everybody supports building of Ram Mandir but there are also other issues in the horizon. Hunger, unemployment, rape, mob lynching and spread of hatred via main stream TV channels is the biggest worry of the people and by building of these other suggested Mandirs is not going to solve the problems our Bharat is going through.

In Ayodhia there are many other Mandirs and also includes Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir. Shree Ram Chander Ji’s name is around because of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s Ramayana. On the marble walls of this Mandir complete Ramayana has been carved.

People from all over the world come here to admire the applied craftsmanship. A lot of time and effort has been put by a lot of the craftsmen to finish this project. People from all walks of life, belief and religion come here for Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s blessing.

It is also on the record that Mahatma Gandhi Ji has sheltered in Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir, Delhi during his struggle to establish equality and solidarity in India. Without Bhagwan Valmiki Ji Hindu belief is incomplete because his Ramayana is the core to this belief and he should be given the credit and respect he deserves.

The Valmikians have been intentionally rejected since Independence and because of this are still lowest of the low and are doing scavenging duties. Various Governments have ruled but all have failed to give any serious deliberation towards their improving.

It is hoped that whichever Party gains power in 2024, will give some consideration to Valmikian issues because the Valmikians have been and are still being used during establishing their agendas. Mahatma Gandhi Ji sheltered in Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir and now Narinder Modi Ji has washed feet of five Valmikians in Kumbmela.

This is also on record that a Valmikian Chunni Lal Thapper and Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia have both sat on death fast in support of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar. In time of need, Punjab has stood in support of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar. Pandit Bakshi Ram represented the Valmikian Community and Babu Mangu Ram Ji the Ravi Dassia Community.

The question remains why the Valmiki Mandirs and the Valmikian community are being chosen when there are also other worship places and other communities around. It must also be remembered that to end Valmiki Ramayana’s popularity, Tulsi Ramayana (Ram Charit Manas) was introduced but has been unsuccessful.

Guru Ravi Dass Ji has very openly praised Bhagwan Valmiki Ji in his BAANI and has presented him as an inhabitant of India and not a Brahmin. Stories have been fabricated against Bhagwan Valmiki Ji to promote Tulsi Ramayana. Because of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji, Amritsar name is present today.

Lahore and Kasoor names in Pakistan are from LUV and KUSH names. Luv and Kush were children of Shree Ram Chander Ji. They were born in Valmiki Ashram. Their mother Sita ji with them spent many years in Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s care.

To hide this, they introduced Tulsi Ramayana but have failed because Valmiki Ramayana has again regained back it’s lost momentum. Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji’s hard research has helped to clear the falsehood posted around Bhagwan Valmiki Ji.

Kanshi TV has helped a lot to promote equality between the Valmikian and the Ravidassia brotherhood. In Bedford the Valmikian, the Ravidassia and the Ambedkarites have jointly celebrated the Dr Ambedkar Anniversaries since mo many years.

The reason is that they believe that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and Guru Ravi Dass Ji were both Adhi Vasis and Guru Ravi Dass Ji has very clearly briefed on this in his BAANI.

I salute to Rahul Gandhi Ji for his sacrifice to free people of India from fear and hatred via Bharat Jodo Yatra.

Finally, I pray to Bhagwan Valmiki Ji to bless Rahul Ji with courage, strength and stamina to establish equality and solidarity that India needs. Iklavyas story sums it all. Drona Ji held hatred towards him but it was Valmiki Ji who made him the best Bowman of that time.

Jai Bharat.

M. Teji

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