Shun Cold War mentality on bilateral ties, China urges US

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian

Beijing,  China on Tuesday urged the US to discard its outdated Cold War mentality and zero-sum game concept, and correctly view and safeguard China-US exchanges and cooperation in science, technology and culture. It also asked the US to do more to enhance mutual trust and cooperation between the two countries.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks at a press briefing in response to claims by US defence and health officials that China used the expertise of American universities to enhance its military and technological competitiveness, Xinhua reported.

“China’s scientific and technological achievements have been achieved through the hard work and wisdom of the Chinese people, including the vast number of intellectuals, rather than through theft or robbery,” Zhao said, adding that statistics show that from 2009 to 2019, Chinese scientists published 2.6 million international papers, ranking second in the world.

“It is in the common interest of both sides to strengthen scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation,” Zhao said, noting that a few US officials, in the name of national security, have fabricated the so-called China’s “theft” of US scientific research achievements with ulterior motives.

Some US university directors also believe that US officials’ concerns about national security are exaggerated and discriminatory, and say that cooperation with China is in fact crucial to promoting the development of science and technology, Zhao noted.

Trans-national talent flow has promoted the world’s scientific and technological progress. All countries including the US are actively carrying out international talent exchanges and cooperation, the spokesperson said.

The relevant measures taken by China, similar to the common practices of other countries in the world, are aimed at promoting the flow of talent between China and other countries, and encouraging and promoting international scientific and technological cooperation, he added.

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