Mumbai, (Samajweekly) India head coach Ravi Shastri on Wednesday shared a short video of cyclone Nisarga rampaging through the town of Alibag in Maharashtra. In the video, high speed wind is lashing hard on the trees in the area and displacing things from their original places.
The weather bureau had earlier sounded red alert for at least seven coastal districts of Maharashtra, while several districts along Gujarat’s coast are also expecting heavy rainfall.
Shastri’s Twitter post read: Never experienced something like this. In the eye of the storm #CycloneNisarga. Windspeed close to 100km/hr. Ferocious.”
The severe cyclonic storm is expected to weaken down to a ‘cyclonic storm’ in six hours, according to Indian Meteorological Department, which made the announcement in its 2.10 p.m. bulletin on Wednesday.
They also stated that the severe cyclonic storm crossed Maharashtra coast and currently was centered on Alibag in Raigad district, over 80 kilometres from Mumbai.
Nisarga comes on the heels of Cyclone Amphan which had killed close to 90 people when it hit eastern India and Bangladesh on May 20, flattening villages, destroying farms and leaving millions without electricity.