Kamala Harris is the future of the United States!

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is the future of the United States!

By Surjit Singh Flora

(SAMAJ WEEKLY)- Trump’s racist, misogynist electorate will not elect Kamala Harris! That’s for sure.

Indeed! Trumpists will find a way to cheat, and if they lose, they will continue to accuse the Democrats of cheating. Anyway, how can this man win an election without cheating?

This electorate does not account for more than 30-35% of the total. Moderate Republicans and even Democrats backed Trump in 2016, swayed by his charm and promises. They recognized in him an active individual committed to addressing the socioeconomic issues in the United States.

Four years later, they understood how mistaken they were. Trump’s incompetence and ignorance have deceived Americans significantly, even dividing them against each other. In November 2020, they plainly rejected him, giving Biden 9 million more votes.

There are still 30-35% of diehard Trump supporters. But Kamala Harris is not going to rely on them to elect her! They refuse to change! She is dependent on the others. In 2016, they went for it. They fixed the shot in 2020. There is very little chance they will fall into Trump’s trap again!

Particularly from this point forward, Harris embodies everything that Trump does not, including the defense of the rule of law against insurrection and the protection of the rights of women, minorities, and citizens in general against the abuses of an apprentice dictator. This aligns with Trump’s vision for 2025. The Constitution is annihilated!

Finally, 8 years later, Trump is still repeating the same hateful speech with less and less energy and conviction. He mainly talks about himself. his ear and insults everyone else. He is 78 years old and is starting to lose his mind more and more often. This old man has now outlived his usefulness! And his Trump supporters, also aging, see it clearly.

As the fake attacks have already faded, Trump will have to fake another attack in order to bounce back. To do this, he only follows the good advice of his Kremlin coach, who is a great expert in this kind of activity.

That said, the Democrats’ best weapon is Trump himself: this guy is so selfish and dishonest that with each of his wild ideas he loses thousands of votes.

On the other hand, Biden stepped down because of his age. Now, doesn’t Trump, facing Kamala Harris, have the right to the boomerang effect-the one who mocked Biden’s old age and senility?

It is quite relevant to talk about the boomerang effect in politics, especially when it comes to personal attacks on the age and health of opponents. Donald Trump has often criticized Joe Biden for his old age and has questioned his mental health. However, these criticisms could backfire on him in several ways, especially when facing Kamala Harris or other opponents.

Consider Donald Trump’s age: born in 1946, he is older than Joe Biden, who was born in 1942. Therefore, we can perceive attacks on old age as hypocritical or ironic.

Kamala Harris, being younger (born in 1964), may benefit from this generational difference. Voters may see her as a more dynamic figure who is more in tune with the concerns of younger generations.

Backlash: By mocking Biden’s age and mental health, Trump opens himself up to similar criticism. Political opponents and the media may exploit this, pointing out that Trump is also susceptible to the effects of aging in the near future.

Public perception: Attacks on age and mental health may alienate some voters, especially older people and their families. Certain segments of the electorate may perceive it as a lack of respect and decorum, thereby diminishing Trump’s appeal.

Health and energy: The public can directly compare Trump’s and Harris’ apparent health and energy. If Harris appears more energetic and capable, it could strengthen her position.

In the end, political assaults based on age and mental health may backfire on their perpetrators because of the boomerang effect. Trump may face similar criticism of himself if he makes fun of Biden’s advanced age, particularly from opponents who are younger than him, such as Kamala Harris. How this dynamic develops as soon as Harries formally nominates will depend much on public opinion and how opponents and the media use that criticism.
Kamala Harris is the future of the United States!

Surjit Singh Flora is a veteran journalist and freelance writer based in Brampton Canada

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