Srinagar, (Samajweekly) The J&K police have held a meeting with religious leaders, sarpanches and civil society members regarding maintenance of communal harmony and law and order in Gool area.
Interacting with them on Sunday, Sub Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Gool Pradeep Kumar applauded the role played by religious leaders, sarpanches and civil society members in the maintenance of law and order and communal harmony.
He also brought to their knowledge that an FIR under relevant sections has been registered in Police Station Pacca Danga of District Jammu against culprits for hurting the sentiments of Muslim community and the accused have been arrested.
“They were further informed that higher ups including IG Jammu have assured speedy investigation into the case,” police said.
He further exhorted all of them to maintain communal harmony and not to fall prey to vested interests.
Religious leaders, sarpanches and civil society members were also honoured with appreciation letters for their untiring efforts in maintenance of law and order and Covid-19 mitigation.