Srinagar, (Samajweekly) Jammu and Kashmir Police filed a charge sheet in a special Srinagar court against eight accused persons regarding recovery of an improvised explosive device (IED) in Pulwama district in June this year, officials said on Tuesday.
“On June 16, 2022, police received information that an IED has been planted in Armulla Lassipora area of Pulwama. Subsequently, police swung into action and raided the said location and recovered an IED weighing about 15 kg fitted in pressure cooker and also apprehended two accused persons,” a police official said.
“During course of investigation, the arrested accused persons confessed their involvement in the crime and also disclosed the names of five more accused persons associated with proscribed terror outfit Al Badr for their active involvement and role in procuring/transporting of the said recovered IED.”
Police said accordingly, a case was registered and on the basis of evidence gathered, offences punishable under relevant sections of law for commission of instant crime were established.
“The investigation of the case concluded and charge sheet against eight accused persons including one foreign terrorist handler has been filed before the hon’ble special designated court under NIA Act at Srinagar,” police said.