Iran successfully tests anti-tank guided missile: Media

Tehran, (Samajweekly) Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has successfully tested its newest top-attack anti-tank guided missile, state media reported.

Dubbed Sadid-365, the missile is an anti-armour projectile with a range of 8 kilometre, which is capable of destroying different armoured military vehicles, Tasnim quoted Ali Kouhestani, the head of the Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization of the IRGC Ground Force, as saying on Saturday.

He stressed that Sadid-365 is an optically-guided missile capable of hitting targets with pinpoint accuracy, Xinhua news agency reported.

Kouhestani said in the next phase of development, the missile will be equipped with folding fins and a fire control system, and be mounted on the armoured personnel carriers of the IRGC Ground Force, with two missiles on each side of their turret.

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