New Delhi, (Samajweekly) India witnessed yet another surge in daily Covid cases on Thursday, pushing the daily tally over 20,000 cases after three days. According to Union Health Ministry’s report on Thursday Morning, as many as 23,529 new Covid-19 cases were registered in the last 24 hours.
India had reported less than 20,000 Covid-19 cases for the last three days. On Wednesday, 18,870 cases were registered, while on Tuesday and Monday, India registered 18,795 and 19,859 cases respectively.
In the same time span, India recorded 311 Covid related deaths against 378 fatalities reported on Wednesday. With this, the total Covid fatality in the country climbed to 4,48,062. The overall Covid fatality rate remained at 1.33 per cent for the last few weeks.
Out of total cases reported in the last 24 hours in the country, 12,161 have been registered in Kerala and 3,187 cases in Maharashtra. In the same time span, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have reported as many 1,624 and 1,084 cases respectively. Mizoram recorded 1,380 cases, while West Bengal and Karnataka reported 748 and 539 new cases respectively.
According to the Union Health Ministry’s data, the active cases in the country stand at 2,77,020, which is 0.82 per cent of the total positive cases so far in the country.
With the recovery of 28,718 Covid infected patients in the last 24 hours across the county, the cumulative recovery rose to 3,30,14,898, which is 97.85 per cent of the total cases reported since early last year.
The cumulative number of Covid vaccine doses administered in the country crossed 88.34 crore (88,34,70,578), out of which 65,34,306 were administered in the last 24 hours, according to the ministry’s report.
Overall, 56.89 (56,89,56,439) crore Covid samples were tested so far in the country, out of which 15,06,254 were tested on Wednesday.