New Delhi, (Samajweekly) After announcing the more powerful and secure Android 11, Google on Thursday introduced several new features in its operating system for the entry-level smartphones. Starting next month, Android 11 (Go edition) will be available on all devices with up to 2GB of memory.
On Android 11 (Go edition) apps will launch 20 per cent faster than they did on Android 10 (Go edition).
“With the expansion to 2GB, apps launch up to 20 per cent faster, and with an additional 270 MB of additional free memory, people can now run three to four more apps in the background,” Sagar Kamdar, VP of Product Management, Android, saidin a blog post.
“Android (Go edition) on 2GB devices also comes with up to 900MB of additional free storage space – enough to take up to 300 more selfies and download an entire movie,” Kamdar added.
Google first introduced Android (Go edition) in 2018 to provide a high-quality smartphone experience for entry-level device owners around the world.
Since then, Android (Go edition) has brought improved speed, reliability, and security to over 100 million entry-level devices through apps and features specifically built to address local needs.
“Android 11 (Go edition) shows all of your conversations in a dedicated space in the notification section. This means you can see, respond to, and manage your conversations with family and friends all in one place, no matter what apps they use,” Google said.
Android 11 (Go edition) also comes with new privacy enhancements that make it easier to control how and when data on your device is shared.
“Android 11 (Go edition) helps you take advantage of the increased screen real estate for your favorite apps. With gesture-based navigation you can go to the home screen, navigate backward, and fluidly switch between apps using simple swipes,” Kamdar informed.