Mitej Teji

(SAMAJ WEEKLY)- Pragya Misra in her show, on the 07th June 2024, showed Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Ji’s statue which is 125 ft high in Hyderabad, Telangana. The Chief Minister Kalvakunta Chandrashekar Rao has had it built to re-establish the lost pride and to encourage the Dalits, the Adhivasis and the backward classes to understand their value in development of India.

Dr Ambedkar during the Independence struggles, he fought for the Dalit issues and presented them in the Round table Conference. The Dalit History runs parallel to Aryan arrival in India. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa links with Dalit History. To understand this, one will have to follow the historical development of India since Aryan arrival.

Via caste system the Dalits have been degraded from rulers to lowest of the low. KCR’s idea behind erecting of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Ji’s statue is to help the natives to understand the capabilities their ancestors had. Dr Ambedkar since Independence has been known as the Dalit leader. So, it won’t be wrong to say that he was deeply hurt to see how the Dalits were being treated.

The past history of India is phased on the difference between the Aryans and the Anaryans. The Aryans have been the oppressors and the Anaryans have been the victims. History of both sides will have to be studied without being bias, only then one can understand the back ground to introduction of the caste system in India.

In Education, only the Aryan version is being taught and by doing this the poison against the Anaryans is being spread because it promotes hatred against them. Unless the Anaryan side is also included in the syllabus, the taboo of hatred is always going to remain in India.

Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar is now becoming a highly respected figure worldwide. In India his statues are being damaged or hidden from the public view but worldwide his statues are being erected. China is in progress of erecting a 450 ft high statue which will be the highest of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar in the world.

In some people, the hatred against the natives has clawed in so deep that they cannot let it go. They have carried it with them into the foreign countries. In England, the issue was debated in the Parliament and the caste act was passed but has not been implemented as yet.

Since Mr Modi’s take over in India, it has come to light that how much hatred is present against the natives and the minorities. An incident has happened with two brothers who have gone from Spain to Punjab in India. With them is a Spanish lady. She is the elder brother’s wife.

It was her desire to see sights in Himachal. Unfortunately, because of the incident between Kangana Renaut and the CISF personnel Kulwinder Kaur in Chandigarh Airport, they have come under attack. They became target because they were speaking Punjabi and were wearing scarves tied as turban on their heads.

Her husband was hit by an iron bar and has had few stiches in his head. His left arm has also suffered a severe injury and has been plastered. He remained in Comma for three days. She was deeply shocked to see how ruthless some Indians are who have no value for other’s life. She is going to return back to Spain with a very different opinion about India.

These attackers were full of hatred towards the Sikhs. The people of Himachal are very kind natured people and this type of behaviour of some is going to have a bad effect on tourism in Himachal. Mostly Punjabis from Punjab and abroad go to Himachal on sightseeing trips.

There is a vast amount of people from Himachal working in Punjab. So, the Himachal authorities need to give immediate attention to stop it spreading any further. Kangana, often uses vulgar language and has not been stopped. Because of her arrogance this incident has happened in the Chandigarh Airport.

India needs unity to overcome the damage that has been inflicted by this Government and all the means to segregation should be avoided. Segregation is going to be deeply pernicious to cordiality which is needed for India’s future progress.

Therefore, the celebrities and the Parliamentarians should avoid using vulgar language and remarks those incite hatred within the public. This might benefit their agendas and on the other hand it may spread hatred and cost many lives. They ignite a situation and then disappear.

During disturbances, it is the public that suffers and the instigators of trouble with their families, sit comfortably in the safety of their homes.

This was visible during the Covid lockdowns. The migrants in millions were seen on the road returning back to their villages because the landlords had closed doors on them. The reason behind this was that they could not pay the rent. The Government and the opposition were locked in their political battles.

Because of their disagreements, the buses those were arranged by the Congress to transport them just stood idle and the migrants were walking past them. The whole world was shocked to see the suffering these migrants were experiencing.

Deaths were happening through lack of oxygen. Millions were seen buried in shallow graves in the River Ganges. Wild animals were pulling out the corpses buried in these graves. It was a shocking sight.

The Sikh and the Muslim organisations played a very vital part in supplying oxygen, cremating the deceased and supplying food. The whole world praised their goodness. During the times of distress, the Government disappeared from the scene and reappeared when the dust had settled down.

Within the last ten years of reign, the BJP has had majority and were able to do as they pleased but now all is going to change. They are now dependent on the support of the others and the scenes are going to be quite different than the ones they were in the past.

The celebrities and the MPs will have to clamp down those who believe that they can get away by inciting disturbances through their vulgar remarks. They should be dealt in the same manner as everyone else. The law is same for all so all with the corruptive records should be dealt with.

The Agni veer is a big issue but there are rumours that the Police could fall into a similar scheme. The idea behind this is, to treat the soldiers and the Police from the poor families differently to the ones who come from rich families.

The ones from the rich families will receive all the benefits and the ones from the poor families will serve in the service as per allocated period and leave without any benefits.

The poor join the Police and the Army to improve their living conditions. The Agni veer and this Police scheme are going to be a big setback for them.

Finally, the public should avoid being sucked into celebrities and the MP traps. They are being laid for their own gains. This practise has been ongoing since Independence. It needs to be stopped only then the poor can get out of the poverty they are living in.


Jai Bharat.
Mitej Teji



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