Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s Pargat Utsab has been celebrated all over the world. The Valmikians are now present nearly in all parts of the planet. The interest towards Bhagwan Valmiki Ji is increasing. The naming of the newly built airport in Varanasi as Maharishi Valmiki International Airport sums it all.

In the year 2024, a lot has happened that will be remembered. Mr Bipin Subherwal and his associates have arranged 650 buses for the devotee’s transportation from Jullundur to Bhagwan Valmiki Ashram in Amritsar.

The Army Band’s participation on the day is highly appreciated. The Punjab Government is being thanked for this. No one expected this but has happened. Bhagwan Valmiki Ji through his divine power has created many surprises and they are present in the spiritual records. His power is still alive and is the reason behind these unexpected happenings taking place.

The Chief Minister of Punjab, Honourable Bhagwant Maan Ji has also participated in the Pargat Utsab celebration and has spoken high of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji. He has also praised the sacrifices of the Valmikians those are present in the records.

A special issue to mark this auspicious occasion was presented to Honourable Bhagwant Maan Ji by the proprietor of Such Da Suraj Mohinder Mahedu Ji.

Kanshi TV has given coverage in Punjab and in England. Mrs Pholi Randhawa Ji with her team had travelled to Punjab for covering this special occasion. Pholi Randhawa Ji’s devotion towards Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and Satguru Ravi Dass Ji is being praised world-wide. Taking her age into account, it does make one to wonder where she find’s strength to do this. It must be the blessing of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and Sat-Guru Ravi Dass Ji that is giving her strength.

Via Kanshi TV, the closeness between the Valmikian and the Ravidassia brotherhood has emerged and is progressing. The Kanshi TV has earned worldwide recognition and need’s support to remain active. It is depending on the public’s support so please contribute to keep this vital service alive.

On this special occasion it would be worth reminding that the Valmikians have suffered molestation and victimisation since many centuries. Different rulers have ruled over India but all have looked down upon Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and his followers the Valmikians. Tulsi Ramayana was introduced to downgrade Bhagwan Valmiki Ji.

Not just in the past but even presently are being ignored and down looked upon. Same has happened during Mayawati Ji’s reign in Uttar Pradesh. A lot of dismay against Mayawati Ji is present in the hearts of the Valmikians living in Uttar Pardesh. This came upfront in interviews done during the Covid. There were no signs of any progress in the Valmikian households.

My father late Shree H. R. Teji Ji was a true devotee of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji. He did whatever he could to preserve Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s dignity and pride. Improving Valmikian identity was his main concern.

Unfortunately, a lot of Valmikians have been upset when a presenter in response to a caller was putting the Yuga system that via Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji’s research has been put an end to. The Valmikians have gone through a lot of pain to achieve this and when a presenter is seen intentionally using it, it does hurt.

It seems the caller’s statement that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was born to Mata Charashni Ji failed to please him. So, to corner the caller he used the Yuga’s and classified that each Yuga contains millions of years.

He asked what were the names of the Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s parents in Sat -Yug, Tretha-yug, Dwaper-yug and now in Kal-yug. This gentleman needs to research deeper if he wants to learn about Bhagwan Valmiki J i. Bhagwan Valmiki Ji has been a controversial figure since Aryan arrival in India and a lot of controversy surround’s around him. All have different views. It depends on what their belief is.

I belong to the generation that was fighting for the Valmikian rights under guidance of Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji. My late father was very close to Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji. At that time Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji did have the knowledge about Yogvashishta but preferred to use the Valmiki Ramayana because it gave platform to gain the Valmikian rights.

The Yogvashishta teaches ways to purify soul whereas the Valmiki Ramayana developes understanding needed for survival. In the courts, the Valmiki Ramayana is given preference because it’s linked with the public. The Yogvashishta only promotes internal belief. This could be the reason why Pandit Bakshi Ram chose the Valmiki Ramayana at that time.

In the Ramayana Series, when whole India used to come to a standstill. In it, is a statement where Bhagwan Valmiki Ji is declaring that he is the tenth son of Raja Pracheta Ji. Mata Chrashni was Raja Pracheta’s first wife. He had four wives.

The presenter was bit abrupt towards the caller and remarked that if you do not have the knowledge then you should not have rung. Infect, a lot of viewers have been offended through this remark. My family has always stood in defence of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and the Valmikian Community so I am duty bound to raise the issue.

The presenter needs to know that even some Acharyas have disproved of this theory of the Yugas.
I have proofs where the Acharyas have declared that the period of Ramayana dates to 50 centuries meaning 5000 years.

This idea of Yugas was set to cause confusion amongst the natives. Through Yugas the Aryans have imposed their supremacy in India. When even the Acharyas have also disproved, here we have an individual who is demanding answers by rebooting them.

In modern times, the science and the technology has progressed so far that the mankind is now reaching planets those once were just a dream. Even medical science has also greatly improved. Lives are being saved but still the religious arguments are persistent. It must be remembered that the scriptures have been altered to liaise with the time. It is happening right in front of our eyes.

Finally, I would like to include that the Valmikian and the Ravidassia brotherhood is coming closer and whatever it needs should be done to promote it’s progress. It would be helpful that efforts are made towards amalgamating and not towards dispersing of unity within these two communities.

The unity between these two communities is most essential now and only then there are chances of surviving through the present developments.

Remember, IK JOT DE DO PRAKASH PRABHU VALMIKI TE GURU RAVIDASS. Equal respect should be given to these both Gurus. By giving equal respect the UNITY can be maintained.

Jai Bharat.
Mitej Teji.

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