New Delhi, Amazon India on Tuesday announced the new edition of Fab Phones Fest. The company is offering 40 per cent off on mobiles and accessories during the sale, which is on till August 30.
During the sale, buyers can avail exciting offers on budget and premium smartphones across brands and accessories at lowest prices and no cost EMI up to 12 months.
The three-day event will feature an array of brands like OnePlus 7 and 7 Pro, Redmi Y3, Mi A2, Redmi 6 Pro, Redmi 6A, Honor View 20, Huawei Y9, OPPO K3, Honor Play, the company said in a statement.
Additionally, there would be great offers on premium phones with extra exchange offers on OPPO Reno, Apple iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy Note 10, LG V40, Vivo V15 Pro, OPPO F11 Pro, Samsung Galaxy A70 Pro to name a few.
Customers shopping during the Fest can also avail exchange offers up to Rs 4,000 with no cost EMI starting Rs 1,331 per month.
Additionally, one can also get 6 per cent extra value on the sale of an old smartphone via Cashify and 5 per cent instant bank discount on using HDFC Bank credit cards and EMI.