Ailing Sharif rushed to hospital for check-up

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

Lahore,  Former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was rushed to a hospital here after his health condition deteriorated, a media report said on Tuesday.

The National Accounta­bility Bureau, Lahore, took the decision to shift him to the Services Hospital on Monday night for a medical check-up, reports Dawn news.

Adnan Khan, a personal physician of Sharif, earlier on Monday had raised an alarm about his deteriorating health, urging the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) government to immediately shift him to hospital for treatment.

Following Khan’s warning, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shahbaz Sharif also issued a statement, demanding the Punjab government shift his brother to hospital without further delay.

“The medical reports of Nawaz Sharif by the government show that his condition is very serious. It is a callous attitude of the PTI government that despite his worsening health condition he is not being shifted to hospital,” Shahbaz said, warning Prime Minister Imran Khan of consequences if anything happened to his brother.

PML-N spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb said fresh medical reports showed that the party leader’s condition was “very serious” and required immediate hospitalisation.

“By depriving Nawaz Sharif of medical treatment, Imran Khan cannot hide his incompetence and lies,” she said.

The former premier had been shifted from Kot Lakhpat jail (where he is serving seven-year imprisonment in Al-Azizia case) to NAB’s Lahore building following his arrest in the Chaudhry Sugar Mills case. The bureau has obtained his physical remand till Friday.

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