~SKM to Restart Agitation on Pending Demands of Guaranteed MSP Law, Loan Waiver, Crop Insurance, Farmers’ and Farmworkers Pension, Rolling Back Privatisation of Power and Other Demands

*~ SKM Demands Separate Budget for Agriculture, Abolition of Ministry of Cooperation in the Union Govt., No GST on Agricultural Inputs and Amendment of GST Act to ensure State Government’s Right on Taxation for strong States for Strong Indian Union based on Cooperative Federalism*

~SKM Demands Martyrs Memorial at Singhu/Tikri Borders to Commemorate 736 Farmer Martyrs

~SKM to Submit Memorandum and Charter of Demands to the Prime Minister, Leader of Opposition and Members of Parliament on 16, 17, 18 July 2024

~SKM to Observe 9th August as “Corporates Quit India Day”, also Demanding that India come out of WTO and No MNC’s in Agricultural Production and Trade

~SKM Shall Convene Coordination Meeting with Central Trade Unions for Joint Struggles

Press Release issued in the Press Conference of SKM held on 11th July 2024 at Press Club of India, Raisina Road, New Delhi

(SAMAJ WEEKLY)- Delhi, 11th July, 2024: The General Body meeting of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) held on 10th July 2024 at Delhi congratulated the farmers and workers across India for successfully bringing forth burning livelihood issues to counter the communal and pro-corporate narrative of the BJP, thus foiling the BJP’s aim of ‘400 paar’. The BJP lost 63 seats and could get only 240, which is not even a simple majority in Parliament, for the first time in ten years.

The SKM campaign of “Expose, Oppose and Punish BJP” has made a large impact wherever the farmers’ movement was widespread and active. The defeat of the BJP in 38 rural seats from Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra and the defeat of the then Union Ministers Ajay Mishra Teni (butcher of farmers) in Lakhimpur Kheri, UP, and Arjun Munda (Agriculture Minister) in Khunti, Jharkhand, reveals the impact of the farmers struggle. BJP has lost in 159 rural dominated constituencies.

The continuation and intensification of the struggle based on livelihood issues filled confidence in large sections of the people, influenced the media, helped to unite the opposition political parties and bring the crucial issues of protecting the democratic, secular and federal principles and reservation enshrined in the Constitution of India.

The General Body appreciated the victory of farmer leaders Amraram from Sikar, Rajasthan, Rajaram Singh from Karakat, Bihar, Sudama Prasad from Arrah, Bihar and R Sachithanantham from Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, who were elected as Members of Parliament.

The Presidium of the General Body consisted of Dr Ashok Dhawale, Dr Darshan Pal, Yudhvir Singh, Balbeer Singh Rajewal, Revula Venkaiah, Medha Patkar, Satyawan, Ruldu Singh Mansa, Dr. Sunilam, Avik Saha, Dr Ashish Mittal, Tajinder Singh Virk and Kanwarjit Singh. Hannan Mollah welcomed the delegates. 143 delegates from 17 states attended the meeting.

The General Body came to the conclusion that there is no need for any illusion of change in the pro-corporate policies of the BJP-NDA Govt. since Prime Minister Modi is hell bent to continue ‘business as usual’. Intensifying direct struggles of farmers and farmworkers and also joint struggles with the organised and unorganised workers is the need of the hour in order to bring relief to the people who are facing severe miseries and widespread indebtedness, unemployment and price rise.

The General Body decided to restart the agitation demanding implementation of the agreement dated 9th December 2021 that the Union Govt. has with the SKM, signed by the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Government of India, and other key demands affecting the livelihood of farmers.

It may be recalled that the 9th December 2021 agreement covers the demands of ensuring legally guaranteed MSP@ C2+50% with procurement for all crops, no to privatisation of the power sector and prepaid smart meters, compensation to all the families of martyrs who died during the historic farmers struggle, withdrawal of all the cases related to the farmers agitation, and freeing farmers from criminal liability by amending the act on pollution control due to stubble burning. The General Body meeting strongly condemned the anti-farmer Govt of NDA for violating the agreement made after the supreme sacrifice of 736 martyrs and sufferings of lakhs of farmers who participated for 384 days – 26th November 2020 to 11th December 2021 – of consistent and militant struggle at the Delhi borders.

As part of restarting the struggle, the SKM will submit the updated demand charter to all Members of Parliament (Lok Sabha as well as Rajya Sabha). A delegation of the respective SKM state leadership will directly meet them on 16, 17, 18 July 2024 and request them to put pressure on the NDA Govt. to immediately take action on the demands. SKM leadership will seek an appointment with the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition and submit the memorandum of demands to them.

On 9th August 2024, SKM shall observe Quit India Day as “Corporates Quit India Day” by holding protest demonstrations across the country in support of the Demand Charter. The demand that India must come out of WTO and No MNC’s in agricultural production and trade will be popularised among the farmers. The state coordination committees of the SKM will decide the form of the campaign.

On 17th August 2024 the SKM Punjab unit will observe 3 hours protest at the homes of all ministers including the Chief Minister of Punjab regarding the demands of Punjab including the severe water crisis, burden of debt, opening India-Pakistan trade through road corridors and federal demands of Punjab against the policy of centralisation of power and resources by the Modi-led NDA Government. On the same day SKM will organise large seminars in all the states on the issue of water crisis and climate change affecting agriculture and against the commodification of natural resources including water, land, forest and minerals.

In the Upcoming Assembly Elections, the State Coordination Committees of Haryana, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Jammu and Kashmir will convene their meetings and ensure an independent and massive campaign among the farmers based on the SKM’s demands to expose, oppose and punish BJP in the forthcoming assembly elections. The State units also will explore coordination with trade unions and other mass and class organisations, and hold Vehicle Jathas, Padayatras and Mahapanchayats.

SKM state coordination committee meetings will be held in all states immediately to identify the burning farmers’ issues in their state and plan out their agitational programmes along with the central action programmes.

The General Body meeting decided to convene a coordination meeting with the Central Trade Unions and Other TUs and organisations of workers, agricultural workers, students, youth, women and other mass sections.

The General Body adopted the demands that include:

1. Legally guaranteed MSP@C2+50% with guaranteed procurement for all crops.

2. Comprehensive loan waiver to free farmers and agricultural workers from indebtedness and end farm suicides.

3. No privatisation of power sector, no prepaid smart meters.

4. Comprehensive insurance coverage to all crops and animal husbandry under the Public Sector, scrapping of the anti-farmer and pro-corporate PMFBY Scheme.

5. Pension of Rs.10, 000 (ten thousand) per month to all farmers and agricultural workers.

6. Implementing Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013, revised circle rate of land every alternative year across India, providing due compensation to all those who lost land due to illegal acquisition for projects by the public as well as private sector and stopping acquisition without rehabilitation and resettlement; end Bulldozer Raj and end demolition of slums and settlements without prior rehabilitation.

7. No corporatisation of agriculture, No MNC’s in agricultural production and trade, bringing India out of WTO agreement on agriculture.

8. No GST on agricultural inputs such as fertilisers, seeds, pesticides, electricity, irrigation, petroleum products, machineries and tractors.

9. Amending the GST Act to ensure the State Governments’ right to taxation as per the federal principles enshrined in the Constitution of India with the principle of strong States and strong Union of India.

10. Introducing separate Union Budget for Agriculture with adequate share of GDP.

11. Abolition of the Ministry of Cooperation in the Union Government and keeping Cooperation as a State Subject as enshrined in the Constitution of India. The Union Government has to support the States instead of promoting centralisation of power for the interest of the corporate class at the cost of the producing classes-farmers and workers.

12. Ensure permanent solution for wildlife menace; provide Rs 1 crore as compensation for loss of life and adequate compensation for loss of crops and cattle.

13. Providing compensation for all the families of martyrs of the historic farmers’ struggle including the martyrs of Lakhimpur Kheri.

14. Withdrawing all the cases related with the farmers’ struggle and building a suitable Martyrs Memorial at Singhu/Tikri Border to commemorate the 736 farmer martyrs. (End)

The Press Conference is attended by Hannan Mollah, Dr. Sunilam, Avik Saha, R Venkaiya, Prem Singh Gehlawat and P Krishnaprasad.

Media Cell | Samyukt Kisan Morcha
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