(Samaj Weekly)- The Aryans, the Muslims and the British have ruled in India but prior to them the Inhabitants ruled their own country. Archaeological finds show that the natives prior to Aryan arrival in India belonged to a very advanced nation. Discovered cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are proof to their intelligence.
Once who were the rulers have been degraded to lowest of the low in the society. The Brahmins are responsible for this because via Mamusmirity they have spread hatred that is still is ongoing. The Brahmins consider themselves as the purest on this planet. How can they be purer when they are born in the same way as everyone else? It is an assumption on their part.
To show of them being superior to the rest, they have used Ram Chrit Manas for the purpose. It had spread Hatred against the natives and their God Bhagwan Valmiki Ji. Also it lacks of respect and appreciation for the females. Very disturbing remarks against Bhagwan Valmiki Ji are included. The story of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji being a dacoit was put forward to damage his image.
Even now hatred against Bhagwan Valmiki Ji can be seen. Shree Ram Chander’s name is around because of his given Ramayana. It regrets to say that in the newly built Ram Mandir in Ajodhya, Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s statue will not be present.
The general feeling is that it should be there because in the Republic Day Celebration, the Ram Mandir float had Bhagwan Valmiki Ji on it. Without him it would have been incomplete. So same applies to Ram Mandir in Ajodhya, without Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s presence hollowness will be felt.
India has gone through many changes since Aryan arrival. In the ancient Scriptures the name is Bharat Varsh is present. During the Muslim reign it became the Hindustan and the name India was given by the British. Only through a joint effort, India has gained independence so all have equal right to live.
The hatred spread by the caste system forced the natives to live in the jungles and now are known as the Adhi Vasis. The Brahmins purposely introduced various castes within the Adhi Vasis to weaken their strength. This in return has helped the Aryans to maintain their superiority in India.
Since Aryan arrival in India, the Adhi Vasis have been the target of the Brahmin Organisations. Raping, murdering and molesting of the Adhi Vasis has been a normal practise and is still ongoing.
The Manusmirity was introduced to promote hatred against the Adhi Vasi population. Torturing of the Adhi Vasis was done in presence of mass gatherings and even today same is happening. The lower caste scholars are being targeted to stop Adhi Vasi progress.
It shows how heartless these people are. It hurts to say that the cries of the deprived are falling on deaf ears because the ruling parties are failing to take any notice.
CAA, NPR and NRC are linked to establish Hindu DOMINANCE in India. They want to establish complete control. They want to turn back the clock to the period that was prior to reign of the Muslim and the British Raj.
In that time the religious Gurus had complete control and the fate of the inhabitants depended on them. Guru Ravi Dass Ji, Guru Nanak Dev Ji and many other are on the record who have stood against them to stop caste system in India.
The BJP Government is trying to enforce CAA, NPR and NRC even though the majority of the citizens are against it. They are opposing it because they can see that it is being done to benefit one particular sect. Seeing how the things are shaping in India is indeed a big worry.
What has been happening in JNU and other Universities has raised a lot of concern. The Police has stood by and allowed the attack on the students and have also failed to stop the damage being done to the properties. Why they held back is the question that is baffling the public?
Looking into the behaviour of the Police towards the University students, it shows that the authorities are fulfilling the BJP’s requirements, even knowing that they are going against the Constitutional Laws. Such a performance from the Police confirms that the Law and order in India has broken down.
This Government wants to bring back the Manusmirity and the majority in India and the Indians living abroad are totally against it. By living abroad, they have come to know how the other countries are being run.
In these advanced countries the Governments are not predigest and opportunities are shared amongst all. In India everything surrounds around Caste, Culture, belief and gender.
The BJP Government has got a big majority in the Parliament and is passing the laws those will help to establish the Hindu Rashtra. They are being opposed all over India because they are trying to prove that the Aryans are the true inhabitants of India. The worldwide researchers have stated that they have come and settled in India.
Everyone in India has equal right to live because all have shed blood for it so IT WOULD BE HELP IF ALL CAN LEARN TO LIVE TOGETHER.
Jai Bharat.
Mitej Teji