New Delhi, (Samajweekly) A day after the Railways resumed train services in Punjab, the farmers on Tuesday blocked the railway track at the Jandiala railway station in Amritsar district. Following the fresh blockade, the trains are being diverted.
A railway ministry official, wishing not to be named, said the farmers blocked the entry of the Golden Temple Express at the Jandiala Railway station.
He said the train was diverted to Amritsar via Taran Taran station. It reached Amritsar station at 8.45 a.m.
The official said that the Amritsar District Collector and Senior Superintendent of Police failed to pacify the farmers.
Following the fresh blockade, four trains to Amritsar will run via diverted route, the official said.
He further said that the agitating farmers are only allowing goods train to pass through the Jalandhar-Amritsar route.
Only Jalandhar-Amritsar route is a problem as of now, while Jammu-Jalandhar route is clear, he added.
The Railways resumed the train services on Monday.
The farmers have been sitting on agitation in several parts of Punjab since September 24 over the three controversial agriculture laws passed in Parliament. They have been demanding the revocation of these laws.