Arab League backs Sudan military council’s political transition plan

Omer Zainal-Abdin, chairman of the Political Committee in Sudan

Cairo,  The Arab League (AL) has expressed its support for the “important steps” announced by Sudan’s Transitional Military Council (TMC) to reach a political transition in the country, the AL said in a statement.

It voiced support for the efforts done by the TMC and the political and civilian forces to reach a national consensus that would realise “the wishes and hopes of the Sudanese people”, Xinhua reported on Sunday.

The league also urged the Sudanese parties to stick to dialogue as “the only means to achieve the desired political transition,” calling on the international community to support all that leads to Sudan’s stability.

The Sudanese army ousted and detained former Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on April 11 in response to four months of nationwide protests against his three-decade rule.

TMC chief Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan announced in a televised speech on Saturday that a civilian government will soon be formed based on national consensus.

He also assured that the TMC is committed to a two-year transitional period after which the rule will be handed over to the civilian government formed by the people.

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