(Samajweekly) In today’s fast paced life where there are many means of transportation, one of the means of slow and fast movement is the bicycle, which is the oldest means. In this age full of science, where people use many types of means, even today some people are using this bicycle. Along with other means, it is the cheapest and pollution free vehicle and is also useful for carrying small heavy goods.
It is also accepted here that this pollution free bicycle has a very deep connection with health and environment, if humans are suffering from diseases and the environment is continuously getting dirty, then the main reason for this is also the pollution free ride bicycle. While pollution has increased with the advent of motor vehicles, physical exercise of humans has also ended. Cycling is very helpful in reducing obesity and controlling weight. In today’s fast paced life, everyone wants to reach their destination in the blink of an eye. So we stopped cycling and started using motor vehicles. Even when we travel alone locally, we drive a car so that our relatives know that we also have a car. In our hurry to reach home early, we get stuck in traffic jams on the roads. When we fall ill due to our comfortable and pretentious lifestyle, the doctor advises us to cycle (exercise) in the morning and evening. Then we spend money and ride an exercise bike (artificial cycle) in the gym. Why don’t we cycle at least for an hour a day even before the doctor advises us to do so. We must have seen many hawkers on the roads who are fit in health even at the age of eighty. They believe that our bicycle is no less than a Sanjeevani booti.
If we talk about the old times, even then the bicycle was considered a very important means, especially because it was the cheapest and easiest mode of transport for people. From farmers to students, everyone used these bicycles. For the poor, it was the main means of transportation, through which they could easily go to work and school. While today a four-wheeler is given in marriage, in the olden days a bicycle was given to the son-in-law.
In view of this disappearing bicycle, every year June 3 is celebrated as World Bicycle Day. This day spreads awareness about the important benefits of cycling. People are educated about the role of bicycle in health, environment and economy. Many local bicycle clubs and groups also organize bicycle rallies and trips on World Bicycle Day. These rallies inspire people to use bicycles. Special programs are organized to educate students about the benefits of bicycles. Bicycle races and competitions are also organized. Celebrating World Bicycle Day is not just a one-day event, but also an effort to inspire people to cycle. So let us also ride a bicycle for at least one or two hours a day to make our health and environment clean.

Jalandhar (Punjab)