#Chandrayaan-2: Durex India wants you to buy ‘extra time’

Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft,

Chennai,  As Chandrayaan-2 came nearer to its destination after entering the lunar orbit on Tuesday, condom brand Durex published a creative ad that took Twitter users by surprise.

“Enjoy the ride! To buy Durex Extra Time, click …,” read the caption that also contained a link to an online shopping platform where one could buy condoms.

“Almost there? Extend the exitement #Chandrayaan-2,” read the text of the accompanying image that Durex India tweeted.

While many users appreciated their creativity, not every one endorsed the ad.

“Hey @isro, please sue durex,” tweeted one user.

The Indian space agency on Tuesday successfully completed the crucial orbit manoeuvre and put the Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft into the lunar orbit.

According to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) was completed successfully at 9.02 a.m. as planned using the onboard propulsion system. All the systems of Chandrayaan-2 are healthy.

Following this, a series of orbit manoeuvres will be performed on Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft to enable it to enter its final orbit passing over the lunar poles at a distance of about 100 km from the Moon’s surface.

Subsequently, the lander — Vikram — will separate from the Orbiter and enter into a 100 km X 30 km orbit around the Moon.

“Then, it will perform a series of complex braking manoeuvres to soft land in the South Polar region of the Moon on September 7, 2019,” ISRO said.

The launch of Chandrayaan-2 on July 22 also ignited a lot of creative ads from several brands.

“That was a finger lickin’ lift off! #Chandrayaan2 #ISRO #IndiaMoonMission,” KFC India tweeted.

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