Kolkata, (Samajweekly) Former West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee regained full senses on Tuesday evening and even insisted on withdrawal of ByPap support on which he has been kept under a hospital in south Kolkata.
After being shifted from invasive ventilator to non-invasive one on Monday, he was kept under ByPap.
But hospital sources said that since Tuesday, after coming back to senses, the former Chief Minister had constantly been insisting on withdrawal of the ByPap support system.
On his insistence, the medical team in charge of his treatment, has decided to put him under periodic ByPap at an interval of every four to five hours.
Hospital sources said that he is under minimum oxygen support right at this moment and other health parameters are more or less stable. The oxygen saturation level is above 90.
Sources further said that he will be continued with antibiotic support till Thursday, following which his medical board will decide on next line of treatment depending on the health parameters prevailing then.
In the official evening medical bulletin on Tuesday the hospital authorities have claimed that the overall medical clinical status remains hemodynamically stable, which means that the blood flow through his vessels is normal.
The former Chief Minister was admitted to the hospital on Saturday afternoon with lower respiratory tract infection and Type-II respiratory failure.