Chicago (Samaj Weekly)- Ambedkar association of North America (AANA) donated Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and speeches (BAWS) volumes to North Park University Brandel Library at 3225 West Foster Ave Chicago, IL 60625 on Thursday 19th October 2023. Total 18 Volumes donated to this University Library. Today was an excellent historical day for AANA and Midwest Ambedkarite who are based in Chicago suburb area.
North Park University founded in 1891 by the Evangelical Covenant Church located on Chicago’s north side and enrolls 3500+ students from around the world. At North Park, excellence implies not only a deep tradition in the liberal arts and Christian faith, but a spirit of reaching out to serve and learn from the dynamic community around us.
On Behalf of President Dr. Mary Surridge, President of North Park University, Dr. Kathryn Maier ( The Dean of Brandel Library) Books were Received by Dr. Matthew J Ostercamp ( Director of Brandel Library),Dr. Sheryl Nichin-Keith (Head of Collections),Mr. Antonio Pizzaro ( Assistant Director of Writing Center, Brandel Library) On behalf of North Park University Dr. Obed Manwatkar express his sincere gratitude to Ambedkar Association of North America for Donating all the printed writings and speeches of our Hero Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The books will be available for all students to be accessed in their respective field of studies. As we all Know Babasaheb has written on various subjects be it Politics, World Religions, Judiciary, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, Theology, Human Psychology, Social Justice, Social Reforms, Pedagogies and many more.
It’s really a matter of Joy for entire Ambedkarite community that upcoming and future generations of scholars of North Park University will be benefited by accessing the writings of such an Ocean of Wisdom.
Dr. Obed Manwatkar is a professor World Religions & Cultures at North Park University. Dr Obed helped AANA with communication and following up on book donation.
AANA is been instrumental to donate books to the local libraries in USA and many books written by Dr Ambedkar are in the circulation.
Ambedkar association of North America formed in 2008 on the guided principle of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s lifelong work and vision to uplift the downtrodden through education. Education provides the suppressed an opportunity to escape their poverty, experience a better quality of life, and have a voice in their communities. AANA also makes it its mission to spread Buddha’s message of peace and kindness to humanity through cultural, educational, social and economic activities among the South Asian Diaspora in North America.,