(Samaj Weekly)- In the situation Bharat Mata is in today, is the result of the religious organisations who have since the BJP Government’s success, been forcefully trying to implement Hindutav in India. The CAA – NRP – NRC are part of the Hindutva movement.
Millions are demonstrating against Hindutva all over India. A lot of lives have been lost and the people are worried. Their cries are falling on the deaf ears because the BJP’S main agenda is to introduce Manusmirity and to establish Hindu Rashtra.
Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar outlawed the Manusmirity because it spread hatred and classified humanity. It divided the people into two sections the higher castes and the lower castes.
The higher castes were to rule and the lower castes were to be ruled upon.
There were no rules or the regulations. The Brahmins did as it pleased to them. Unfortunately, even Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar had to endure mistreatment. The EK MAHANAYAK BHIM RAO AMBEDKAR shown on the TV, show’s of the evilness he had experienced.
From this special production, one can learn a lot about Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar. It shows that in his childhood he impressed many professionals through his wisdom. In his childhood he had the guts to stand and face the enforcers of evilness in his village.
A small group was under control of a rich Brahmin. They terrorised the lower castes living in the village. They did as they pleased and had no fear being arrested because higher castes had their control in the villages. Lower castes were not allowed in the schools. Ramji Sakpal broke this taboo by enrolling Bhim Rao in the village school.
He was about six years old when he enrolled and from day one started facing mistreatment in the school. Fortunately, there were a couple of the teachers who saw his potential and wanted to help him.
They could not openly help him because they feared that if it leaked then their families may become a target. With this fear hanging over them, they still pursued to help him because they could see of big potentials in him.
Bhim Rao even in his childhood was a very sympathetic and a kind hearted child. He gave one of their family blankets to a higher caste woman. She was sitting on the street because her husband had kicked her out. It was night time and she was shivering in the cold
Bhim Rao saw her sitting so he asked his family to give her shelter and they agreed. They did this in good faith but it turned against them. Her husband was a member of a troublesome group.
When he found about this he became very angry. He and his colleagues decided to get rid of her because they felt she had brought insult to the higher caste community. So they took her to the out skirts of the village and murdered her.
Her husband and his colleagues left her behind and went to arrange a procession in the village to celebrate her death. Her husband was hailed as a star for preserving the Manu-code. Her dead body was left to rot.
But when Dr. Ambedkar’s family heard about this they went to the spot where she was. Having realised that her family has no interest in disposing of her body, Ramji Sakpal did her cremation. Bhim Rao Sakpal lit the fire.
Even this good deed failed to please the higher caste. They filed F I R against Ramji Sakpal that by cremating the higher caste woman, he has insulted the Manu Code and should be jailed for his misconduct. The police jailed him to fulfil the higher caste demand.
Bhim Rao with the help of a teacher hired a Barrister to represent his father in the court but in the end he himself had to stand and fight for him. His courage won many hearts because being a child he did something that was unthinkable. He freed his father.
His father’s release upset quite a few higher castes in the village. They started to give hard time to Ramji and his family but with Bhim Rao’s wisdom, strength and courage they pulled through. Because of the knowledge and the wisdom he had, he was able to give India the Constitution that has won worldwide recognition.
Today Bhim Rao Ambedkar is becoming a household name worldwide. His statues are being erected and the roads in his name are being named. Also in the demonstrations worldwide, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar’s posters are being displayed.
In 100 years 1924 -2024 a lot of progress has been achieved in India. In the medicine and the engineering fields a vast improvement is on the record. Also a massive progress can be seen in the sports section.
This has happened following a lot of struggles and strives endured by our forefathers. In 1920 Adhi Dhram movement was ongoing in Punjab under the guidance of Pandit Bakshi Ram(a Valmikian) and Babu Mangu Ram (a Ravidassian). It attracted worldwide attention.
Dr Bhim Rao had close contact with these two leaders and this why a Valmikian – Babu Chuni Lal Thapper and Ravidassian leader – Babu Mangu Ram sat on death fast in oppose to Gandhi Ji’s fasting.
The people depending on their belief and origin look differently into the historical development of India. The present India has gone througha lot of religious and political changes to get where it is now.
The Valmikians who once were the rulers have been degraded to lowest of the low and still their God Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s Ramayana is graced as the holy book. Tulsi Ramayana was introduced to shelf the Valmiki Ramayana but has failed. Manusmirity and Ram Chrit Manas have spread hate against the Valmikians. Now are known as the dalits.
Since 2014 in the manner the BJP has governed India, the public has become much wiser. They have come to understand that since Independence, the Politicians have misused the Government funds and the public taxes.
The poor do not have even 100 rupees in their houses and in the dwellings of the politicians amounts in millions are being recovered. Such amount cannot be earned through their salaries and this very clearly points that the money in their possession has been earned via corruptive and illegal ways.
So, India needs The Constitution by Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar to keep control and order in India.
Happy and Prosperous wishes for the year 2024 to all.
Jai Bharat.
Mitej Teji