Israeli woman soldiers join combing operations in Gaza

Israeli woman soldiers join combing operations in Gaza

Tel Aviv, (Samajweekly) For the first time since the Israeli military launched the ground offensive in Gaza on October 27, women soldiers have joined the combing and rescue operations in the Hamas-controlled enclave.

The female combat soldiers from the Shachar Battalion is a mixed-gender under the Home Front Command’s Search and Rescue Brigade joined the operation led by forces on the field.

The Commanding officer of the Battalion, Lt Col Yarden said: “The Shachar Battalion’s male and female soldiers will do everything to achieve victory and we are organised and prepared for that. That’s what we are trained for and that’s what we will do.”

The Battalion is attached to the Search and Rescue Brigade which leads the evacuation and rescue efforts from structures and buildings as per operational requirments.

In her statement, Lt. Col Yarden also said that the unit was presently playing a major role in helping the manovering of the 162 Divisions forces and the main mission is to assist brigades and battalions in breaching buildings and serve as a critical rescue force when required.

The Search and Rescue Brigade of the IDF is commanded by Col. Elad Edri who said that the male and female soldiers of the Shachar Battalion accompany battalions and brigades inside the Gaza Strip.

He said that the division’s forces have the capabilities to breach walls, ceilings and complex structures and are also able to rescue soldiers if a structure falls on the unit.

He said that the unit would accompany IDF’s operational unit till the war ended and added that the unit was prepared to stay for months in the Gaza Strip.

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